A Great Success of 2008!
Our first achievement: construction of a school in Nai Qala â Ghazni province.
The contributions of some 500 individual donors have allowed making a world of difference between the harsh study conditions of the past and the dignified environment of today.
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Change in every society is a gradual and demanding process. A fundamental element of any change is that it must be generated locally to take root and blossom. The Nai Qala school project was born in Afghanistan, carried forward by a daughter of Afghanistan and implemented by Afghan villagers and construction workers. This means it is a project by Afghans for Afghans. With the pride that is felt comes a strong responsibility: to ensure that this school becomes a modest fountain of knowledge, one that will open little windows in the lives and hearts of the children that will study in it and contribute to a better future for this beautiful country. The beauty of the project is furthermore that it linked up with many people in other countries around the world, who were moved and motivated to support this endeavour in many different ways and who ultimately made it possible.
This is an opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation to the numerous people who supported this project: children and adults, individuals and institutions, schools and media. It has been an honour to work with all of you and to feel your interest, support and motivation.
Today, the children of Nai-Qala feel an immense pride and gratitude.